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Friday, 1 November 2013

Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013

I never got round to posting photos I took at this years balloon fiesta so here are a few! The weather wasn't kind to me the first day I went so things were a bit dull and overcast and then the second day while the light was beautiful it was too windy for the balloons to launch! Typical!

I'm going to make a few more posts consisting of mainly just photos and then hopefully some more reviews soon. I'm feeling a lot better recently and finding myself able to concentrate on photography related things without negative thoughts creeping into my head as often as they were so with a bit of luck normal service will be restored eventually!

All the fisheye shots were taken with my trusty NEX-5N and Samyang and the others were taken with my 60D and a combination of the Canon 70-300mm L and Sigma 18-50mm EX (the one that front focuses but at least it isn't soft on one side like the countless Canon 17-55s and 15-85s I've tried plus the Sigma 17-50!! STILL haven't found a decent standard zoom!)

Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2013

a quickr pickr post
